short thoughts: on why I create, and why I share

Creation begets creation, this post is a testament to that – these thoughts came to me while commenting on another post where someone questioned our urge to create and share. For me, the need to write often arises as an outlet for the overwhelm in my mind, but also as a way to preserve myContinue reading “short thoughts: on why I create, and why I share”

The Harem in Me

I’ve been reading Elif Shafak’s memoir Black Milk: on Writing and Motherhood recently. The writer talks of the “harem of women inside her”, she calls them her Choir of Discordant Voices, her Thumbelinas, her finger-women. These women inside her are both her guides and her critiques; they disagree on everything and argue constantly, there’s noContinue reading “The Harem in Me”

Letters to my younger selves

Dear 18 year old Mubash, I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. I remember you as so eager. Eager to please, eager to fit in, eager to succeed – whatever that meant. You travelled halfway across the world to start a new phase of life, the college years, the America years, the first timeContinue reading “Letters to my younger selves”